Maxfloor POLY-M
MAXFLOOR® POLY-M is a solvent-free, two-component, cold-applied aromatic polyurea with high mechanical and chemical resistance properties, suitable for the protection and decorative finish of concrete pavements, when a very urgent opening to traffic is required.
MAXFLOOR® POLY-M can be applied as a single top coating for smooth finish. Also allows to be mixed with selected aggregate to obtain either multilayer anti-slippery coatings or a fluid mortar for leveling in small thicknesses.
Maxfloor POLY
MAXFLOOR® POLY is a solvent-free, two-component, cold-applied aliphatic polyurea with high mechanical and chemical resistance properties, suitable for the protection and decorative finish of concrete pavements, when a very urgent opening to traffic is required (between 3 and 4 hours).
MAXFLOOR® POLY can be applied as a single topcoating for smooth finish. Also allows to be mixed with selected aggregate to obtain either multilayer anti-slippery coatings or a fluid mortar for leveling in small thicknesses. It is available in color and transparent version.