Maxepox DECOR
MAXEPOX DECOR es un sistema epoxi autonivelante sin disolventes, para el revestimiento interior con acabados especiales de pigmentos metálicos, que consta de las tres capas siguientes:
- MAXEPOX DECOR PRIMER: capa de imprimación, mediante resina epoxi en base agua de dos componentes.
- MAXEPOX DECOR BASE: capa de nivelación, mediante mortero epoxi autonivelante de tres componentes, sin disolventes, para espesores de 2 a 3 mm.
- MAXEPOX DECOR FINISH: capa de acabado decorativo, mediante resina epoxi con pigmentos metálicos especiales, para la obtención de diferentes acabados estéticos y reflejos metálicos, disponible en color cobre, bronce, plata, oro, champagne y blanco nieve.
Maxepox MORTER
MAXEPOX® MORTER is a two-component formula composed of pigmented, 100% solid–solvent free- and epoxy-modified resins, which has been specially designed for preparation of a suitable material as pavement mortar and textured coatings for concrete surfaces.
MAXEPOX® MORTER allows to level out concrete surfaces, providing a flooring system with decorative finish, high chemical resistance and very good abrasion resistance
Maxepox 3000
MAXEPOX® 3000 is a three-component selflevelling mortar composed of pigmented, solventfree, epoxy resins, which has been specially designed for levelling, protection and decoration of concrete floors in 2-3 mm thick layers.
MAXEPOX® 3000 allows leveling concrete surfaces with a minimum thickness application, providing a flooring system with decorative finish and very high mechanical, chemical and abrasion resistance.
DRIZORO® SILICA DECOR is a well-graded dry siliceous sharp sand with controlled granulometry from 1,0 to 2,0 mm, free of salts and pollution, specially designed to provide a decorative finish, mixed with transparent epoxy/ polyurethane resins or with cement-based mortars.
It is available in five different colours to produce a wide variety of finishes.
Drizoro SILICA
DRIZORO® SILICA is a well-graded, clean, dry siliceous aggregate with controlled granulometry, free of salts and pollution, specially designed for use in the mixing of micro-concretes and mortars, non-slip coatings, and multi-layer flooring systems.